Latest UK probate scams news comes to us and being reported in most wealthy Cities and towns not only in the UK but right across the world.

Latest UK probate scams news comes in the form of reports reaching us that the firm Bartlett’s in Chester used seems to be the perfect working probate scam model.

So if your thinking you or your family might be a probate scam victim first check out the solicitors firm and their associated partners in crime in other words did they first become involved by buying up the law firm that had the deceased wills?

Its amazing the lengths these scammers will go to just to buy up or merge with other law firm if their in the community scam enablers has identified very rich pickings to target.

If a reputable law firm is sitting on a few wills worth say £10m purchasing these estates through a buy out or merger can be very profitable for these probate scammers.

First check out companies house for the stated directors then check their other associated law firms in the directories if you suspect you might be a potential probate scams victim.

Get your info by naming your solicitors firm in this search box here?

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