Name and Shame Your Probate Scammer.
If you want to name and shame your probate scammer your not only helping yourself but other potential victims of a probate scam in your area.
Are you the victim of over-charging solicitors firms are they racking up huge legal fees from inventing charges on debts that never existed to start with, this is a very common trick they do.
Yes we here you saying how is that even possible in this day and age well its easy if you happen to live in the north west of England, we have found there are so many enablers within the system your on a hiding to nothing.
We have personal experience that probate courts give a helping hand to make sure these crimes continues by constant breaking of court orders or undertakings (injunctions) by judge Hodge at the Liverpool probate court.
Its quite scary when you find out how deep these probate scams go but it is the fastest growing the legal scams in the legal world.
The larger this community grows the quicker everyone gets justice and there just dues so you can all play your own small part by altering others in your own community to the dangers of probate scams.
Please email your horror probate story in the first instance to;
We will go first heres the not so wonderful Mr James Beresford who was reported to the SRA (failed to do anything amd utterly useless just like trustpilot has proven) STEP did nothing (nothing new there) even to BLM Law (now thats another story).
Heres his swan song his slogan should read NO WILL, WHO CARES it would now save your estate anyway!

The probate lawyer waits for the elderly to die.
Then the probate lawyer is listed in the will as the executor.
Now the probate lawyer controls the sale of the property.
The probate lawyer knows friends who can tell the grieving relatives that the property left is worth £400,000.
Then the probate lawyer pushes on with the sale of the property with his friends,
The family accepted the sale after other estate agents who were friends of the probate lawyer stated the same lie.
The property is then renovated, and wow, it now sells for £740,000.00.
This goes on for a while, as more and more people have issues with the probate lawyer PB.
The SRA, which regulates lawyers, says nothing is wrong… again.
Then the police detective, the lawyer, and the estate agents plot a plan.
Then, one by one, the elderly start to die off.
Families complain, but the police detective ignores all the strange deaths.
The wills are changed.
The elderly are put on the “end of life” to help their quality of life and dignity.
Then what I found was that the above had been done all over the country.
Well, according to The Times, there are over 14,000 RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) property valuers who
Does this sound like your story if it is send your probate scam story to
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