This is how to spot a probate scam or fraud its not an exhaustive list but it sure points the way to most probate scams on the elderly.

So we start with the elderly in this prime example of how the lawyers grab the estates loot and NOT to the family.
First they need a reason to control the wills by legal default first they will inform any living relatives they need to be involved to protect the state and make sure HMRC (UK TAX AUTHORITIES) gets there just dues.
This usually untrue but just a means to their ends very little they do is for your benefits.
The probate laws in most countries are very tough but the courts and judges do whatever they can to simply ignore such case law, if one notices very few case laws on probate has been of late.
First open to abuse of the elderly is get them diagnosed with dementia or other brain disorders this way its much easier to control the casefile if you suspect this is not the case get a second opinion without delay not even a day later.
Whatever the probate scam or frauds don’t assume the regulators from the SRA or estates or any of them to help you, they are not their to protect you but the business period – don’t believe us check out the SRA on Trustpilot?
For the lawyer to win the families heart and minds first they have to give you an official RICS valuation – how on earth would they tell lies well quite easily, we have an ongoing complaints with RICS that is over 12 months old and it took them 11 months to first as the surveyor anything at all.
That complaint was about a 10 bed 8 bathroom guesthouse being valued at only £345,000 after Zoopla claimed it was £1.2m big difference and the firm never even knew he done the job for BLM Law.
That was one James Beresford and Charlotte Pritchard poor Beresford is now off to pastures new but we will keep an eye out for him.
Hes famous for asking for a caveat being placed on the property to stop it being sold for over 1m when all he wanted to do was sell it for less than half price.
By the way only direct family members can add a caveat but then even the national probate office failed to act!