Probate Scam has a tale to tell regarding David Rosen, solicitors and advocates, London where they don’t practice what they preach and take advantage of a homeless man and try to charge £2300 for the privilege.

David Rosen, solicitors, and advocates, London where they don’t practice what they preach and is basically just another player or better-put facilitator in the world of probate theft and fraud perpetrated by other actors and covered up.

So yet again yet another lawyer says yes Mr. Jones of the estate at 32 Hoole Road sold by Clyde and Company, London, and NOT as David Rosen claimed the past actions of BLM Law in Salford.

At the very start, Mr. Rosen knew it was corrupt and wrong, he was fully aware Clyde and Company miss sold a property in Chester for half its full value, and the solicitor named as the executor had broken three court undertakings not to sell for less than 750k but in fact did so for 490k.

He then took advantage of the situation contrary to SRA requirements and regulations, broke every SRA regulation in the book, and sent a 21-day pre-action notice to Charlotte Pritchard of Clyde and Co, Salford office.

Well after the 21-day period, and after he sent a £2300 legal bill where there was no discussion of fees before his action he instructed his client Mr. Jones to write a letter to the parties demanding paying of the sale proceeds without written instructions and then afterward claiming Mr. Jones wrote something he later disagreed with self-terminating the said contract shows bad faith and unprofessional conduct on Mr. Rosen

If you are looking for this lawyer or looking for reviews of his work ethic you might want to also learn what he did with this information afterward, well ZERO, nothing at all!

This is very strange because David Rosen tried to convince Dr Jones he understood his story fully as he was a certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) member and Clyde and Co. is not getting away with this probate fraud and I will see you get justice for you and your now dead mother Mavis Banks who was trapped in a nursing home and allegedly killed early to gain her £1m property in Chester.

After doing what he’s done, do you really want to take the chance you’re not going to be his next probate crime victim?

David Rosen, Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)

The credential earner understands how fraud is committed, detected, and prevented. Individuals who have obtained the CFE credential understand the underlying factors that motivate people to commit fraud and are trained to identify red flags that indicate evidence of fraud and fraud risk.
They are able to trace fraudulent transactions, interview suspects to obtain information and confessions, write investigation reports, advise clients on their findings, and testify as t

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So what did David Rosen, Solicitor and Advocates of London do after he charged a homeless client £2300 at £500 per hour, did he report the matter to the SRA for their investigators to check? NOPE! When Dr. Jones asked him to report the matter to the Police did he say No problem Dr Jones I will stand by my professional anti-fraud credentials I preach to all my webpage visitors that I am above reproach, NOPE not a word.

The truth is he saw a way to get rich quickly and took it without a thought as he was told before he took the case, every other lawyer, in this case, gets nobbled by a legal system that can not be stopped where lawyers find the rich picking from estates that are too weak or unable to fight the good fight sells the property as cheap as they think they can safely get away with to their property buying friends or other solicitor firms either convert into rooms of multiple occupations or quickly renovate and flip and share in the spoils!

David Rosen, solicitors and advocates, London where they don’t practice what they preach. In any case, your actions or lack thereof of your duty of care toward the client’s best interest is weird, strange, and very possibly very unprofessional and dare we say corrupt in its nature, and you deserved to be named and shamed as a probate scam facilitator on probatescam.com.

David Rosen was sent a request for comment before the publication of this article and was read many times from 14 days ago but has declined to comment, but we all know why now.

Just to add, Mr. Rosen knows he has done wrong by now offering his now-distressed and even poorer and still homeless ex-client a substantial fee discount where he still wants to be paid for providing virtually or otherwise no legal or implied CFC services at all. It looks like if he won’t self-report this matter to the CFC, we guess it will be left to others to protect consumers from becoming victims themselves.

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