It seems that even on twitter you can’t escape from the nightmares of what people are finally learning that a high proportion of lawyers in the UK are as dodgy as hell.

No chance to find lawyer, much less write will, which I wanted to benefit charities of your choice. as my next of kin are satanists, doctors and nurses are pressuring me bodily and in every other way to get out of the hospital ward where I receive no palliative care, am not allowed to sleep, no sleep in over a week. retired legal friend is trying to find any practicing lawyers in parish as doctors are anxious to foist their chosen lawyers on me.
Police are corrupt here, and when I tried to report crimes they persecuted me. A social nurse just came round to foist the options on me, those options being to go to a choice of 2 nursing homes, which I would have to pay for.
I subsisted on a reduced windows pension, no sick pay, or other benefits. The nurse or social worker totally contradicted what the drs told me, I would have to pay to be tortured to death in a commercial solitary confinement plc, while I watch my grave robbed by my torturers.
I had hoped to leave the house to anyone that could let it, I thought of you or someone good that you know, if some do some repairs
In jersey the law demands that (9:42 AM)
A will be drawn up by lawyers and they also provide executor duties, which would take all the money. But I think health and social security here in jersey are afraid of being sued by me for what they did. I
have no idea if there are any uncorrupt lawyers here I see that there are no specialist medical lawyers, but anyway if there are any fearless litigation lawyers here I would have no way of finding them, or trusting them.
Also likely not survive the night, I have no way of knowing what drugs they are giving me . but if you know any trustworthy people that could act as next of kin I would be willing to pay for it.
If you don’t know anyone, that’s ok, if by Gods will I  live long enough, and get a chance to write a will then i would like some clues as to what charities could be named, as it seems we share the same prolife views.
I saw what goes on in jersey in these homes and one of the ladies I visited was poisoned, and her estate raided. She was not ill, just blind, I had acted as her eyes, but they took that away from her and she became senile and then died.
All this is not your problem, as I only need your views on worthy charities, but you should know that I am being martyred and so I don’t want you to get Hope’s up, but the jersey government will make me sell house otherwise to pay for my torturous death.
I need to warn the retired legal friend that the Nazi’s  are pestering me for her name, I hedged as she will be contacting others, and I have already imposed much. She got me extreme unction. Had Oro morph so now defunct.

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