Legal Obligations of Probate Lawyers Regarding Property Sales and what Clyde & Company was incapable of doing correctly through James Beresford and Charlotte Pritchard.

Probate lawyers have a duty of care to their clients when handling the sale of property during the probate process. This duty of care includes ensuring that the property is sold at a fair market value and that the sale is conducted in a manner that is in the best interests of the estate and its beneficiaries.

If a probate lawyer breaches this duty of care by under-selling the property, they may be liable for any resulting financial loss suffered by the estate or its beneficiaries. This can include damages for the difference between the fair market value of the property and the sale price, as well as any other costs incurred as a result of the under-sale.

It is important for probate lawyers to ensure that they have taken all reasonable steps to obtain the best possible price for the property. This may include obtaining professional valuations, marketing the property effectively, and negotiating with potential buyers to achieve the best possible sale price.

In addition, probate lawyers should be aware of any conflicts of interest that may arise during the sale process. For example, if the lawyer has a personal or professional relationship with a potential buyer, they may need to disclose this to the estate and obtain their consent before proceeding with the sale.

In conclusion, probate lawyers have a significant legal obligation to ensure that they act in the best interests of their clients when handling the sale of property during the probate process. By taking all reasonable steps to obtain the best possible price for the property, and by avoiding any conflicts of interest, probate lawyers can fulfil their duty of care and minimise the risk of liability for under-selling the property.

But James Beresford and Charlotte Pritchard of Clyde and co. ignored all of the above.
And now we can show the property was sold cheaply to help in a bigger development…. so we seek even larger compensation

#property #probate #lawyer

#probate #property #crime

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