MP Kwasi Kwarteng becomes first senior MP to turn a blind eye to legal fraud when so many in is own party is openly supporting our stand and given he was the Chancellor and the prospect of HMRC being robbed of trillions of pounds in lost revenue is even more shocking.

We say there’s many dirty fingers in these probate scamming pies and all those that should have a care to what happens in raising the correct capital gains tax cant and won’t lift a finger then those that claim to doing best for the country can now be shown the door.

The only fact we know for sure is Kwarteng is like so many more MP’s utterly useless articles, not fit for office.

So a probate scammer lawyer can on one hand claim a beneficiary had correct BPR but as they also control the accounts its easy to hide these facts and simply keep the 40% tax take to themselves, yes its that corrupt.

In this case Clyde & Company still wont give Dr. Jones his statement of accounts since last July 22, if they can get away with it so can every other law firm!

Here is the email confirming he wants to allow criminal actions when its easier to act on the facts of the case instead.

It also clearly shows he was never the man for the job in hand in the first place.

It seems this story is not the first time he’s condoned fraud in our society, so you don’t need to just take our word for it.

Labour: Kwasi Kwarteng should resign for downplaying fraud | Evening Standard

Subject: RE: meeting with Kwasi Kwarteng MP
To: Dr Mark Jones

Dear Dr Jones


Thank you for your email.


As you know, we discussed this complex situation when we met virtually at my constituency surgery towards the end of last year.


I do appreciate how distressing this is for you, but I am not sure that I am able to offer you any further help. I would again urge you to seek some specialist legal advice and of course report all your concerns to the police.


Yours sincerely

Kwasi Kwarteng MP

There was no private and confidential statement attached so into the public domain it goes besides he works for us not the other way around.

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