TY Gwyn sales limited based in Conwy must be one of the luckiest property buyers in Northwest England or they were the preferred buyers of James Beresford, Charlotte Pritchard or Pierre Bartlett of Chester.
The land registry has finally been forced into telling the probate world what they have been trying to keep a secret since July 2022 the scammers dots are really starting to join up now.
How many properties has TY GWYN Sales limited managed to get at half price with a solicitor and surveyor as company directors or was this a possible link up with PCS ltd well if it is we will find out and the scrutiny will only get more intense.
We now know Charlotte Pritchard has been named in documents been sent to the Legal Ombudsman’s service from her own bosses at Clyde and Company instructing Cavendish residential (Chester) to go ahead and sell this 32 Hoole Road Chester for £250,000 less than the TOMLIN order when the only person that had the legal right to do so was one James Beresford who left his post at BLM Law around 18 months earlier. You simply can not make this stuff up!
So we now have at least 3 officers of the court breaking a TOMLIN ORDER knowingly, they must think they are court protected or they wear Teflon and nothing will stick?
Now it all makes sense why James Beresford in 2020 refused 2 written bids of £1m, simply to help others in the trade plus SDL auctions tried the same trick when one of these bidders was informed no other bids other than the one the had for £501,000 was going to be taken again can anyone else make this stuff up.
Was this just a lucky buy, not really as the bidder for SDL auction came from Newton Lane which just happens to be by pure luck. P. Bartlett’s favoured street in Chester.
Yes hindsight is great if it was a fluke but you need help, lots of it to make sure your friends get a 500k killing its going to be very interesting to see the price this flips for several months from now.
How many other local properties has been snapped up really cheap with the same players? Don’t worry readers we are on the case already.
We are seeing lots of probate intel going back to Conwy perhaps its just another of those coincidences that just keeps on giving.
Our investigators are now looking at links of insider trading elsewhere now.
Also note it was bought by a company but the address of the company in Conwy does NOT match with the land registry at 3 newton lane, we wonder how many properties will end up being used for that address, reason is one might be used as a tax fiddle or stopping company asset grabs when in troubled times so why Beresford or more to the point Pritchard allowed this is rather bizarre that will require further investigations.
For the sake of some readers not knowing the link with Newton Lane this is basically round the corner of 32 Hoole Road and a Bartlett planned land grab for a strongly local rumoured huge land development perhaps even fact now but he’s in his mid 80’s now so time running out for his dream but others might be in the wings to take it on when he’s gone!
So here we have the perfect development where 2 solicitors where one owns the corner property shown below and was the first court removed probate solicitor and now another at 3 Newton lane (perhaps a planning application fiddle) and now 32 Hoole Road which by another surprising turn up for this book, Capital guest house, at best its a pure and simple case of an coincidence at worst its PROBATE FRAUD.

Here is the proof that Beresford, Pritchard and PCS Ltd all knowingly broke a TOMLIN ORDER that might all be spending time in lock-up soon.

More info or if your looking for somewhere to invest and get an instant return.